Tuesday, December 4, 2007

D-BOX Quest Motion-Simulation Seat

D-BOX Seat has a 2-axis motion simulator system that's synchronized with onscreen action and sound. D-BOX actually encodes movies into their proprietary F/X motion codes that they can then download into the system. The idea is that viewers can then be physically immersed in the movie. The seating can be controlled with a Kinetron controller, or with a "Motion Controller Interface" and some PC software. There's also an Internet subscription service that allows users to access the D-BOX F/X Motion Code library, so that they can download the codes for the movie of their choice.

The Custom Motion Platform (lower picture) can be integrated in an existing (retrofit) or new home theater environments. It is typically configured with a recessed floor platform arrangement. Up to four seating combinations may be placed on a single platform.

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