Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Quates from the book "Let's Entertain"

"Let's Entertain: Life's Guilty Pleasures examines this 'spectacularization' of everyday experience through the twin lenses of contemporary art practice and cultural criticism.... [and] challenge[s] us not to simply renounce entertainment per se, but to understand how its strategies can be used to tell a different kind of story. The story that unfolds is sweet, amusing, and, like a fairy tale, often cruel."

"metaphysical reflection on our collective consciousness" | "humorous and at times aesthetically subversive interventions" | "commentary on contemporary reliance on technological and consumerist promise" | "large scale spectacle of the ordinary" | "hold up a mirror to the viewers dysfunction" | "mix conceptual rigor with socio cultural investigation" | "seemingly banal readymades" | "intimations of bodily functions play an important role" | "witty use of diverse clichés" | "artistic nomadism" | "invesigate the sense of seduction in society dominated by spectacle" | "fascination with cliché" | "making the commonplace strange" | "blur lines between artifice and nature" | "use sound sculpturally to create aural landscapes" | "use pop culture as a ready made artistic vocabulary" | "cute doodles, friendly words, pointing arrows" | "disruption of games like rugby" | "involve audience in environment" | "create a sense of unease by odd juxtapositions"

Let's Entertain: Life's Guilty Pleasures
by Dike Blair

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