Sunday, January 27, 2008

Instructions for Vomiting

Step One

Find a spot to vomit. The bathroom is your best bet, but if you need to throw up because of an emergency situation, then simply induce vomiting and point your mouth away from other people.

Step Two

Take an emetic, like syrup of ipecac, if you have one on hand. Emetics are ingestible substances that induce vomiting. Adults should take 1 to 2 teaspoons of syrup of ipecac and then 1 cup of water. The syrup is safe if you take the proper amount.

Step Three

Find the constrictor muscle at the back of your throat if you don’t have an emetic. The constrictor muscle is behind the dangling bit of tissue called the uvula.

Step Four

Stimulate the constrictor muscle with a finger. Basically, just stick your finger down your throat and tickle it. Once you start to heave, take your finger out.

Step Five

Place your head lower than your hips to reduce the possibility of vomit entering your lungs. Stand up and bend over to vomit rather than kneel down.

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